Sound Fx
Sound Fx.iso
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FastCD History
2.18: First official release: On Chip CD 1996 March. Special thanks to Bata
László, the editor of the Chip CD-s for putting FastCD on it.
2.19: Memory allocation optimized.
2.20: Files stored in one package (FASTCD.PAK).
2.21: Parameter error correction added (1.00).
2.22: Pentium detection added to CPU detection routine.
Slow and fast windings added (Left Shift and Right Shift).
2.23: Window drawing optimized and the default window and datas are put
almost 5 times faster.
2.24: Long comments showing bug fixed.
Left time is shown only once if it's the last track.
2.25: Volume control added.
2.26: Track timeline added (Alt+Ctrl+L).
Play track again added (/AGAIN).
2.27: Drive selection added (Alt+Ctrl+D).
Load/Save added to volume control (Alt+S and Alt+L).
2.28: EXE CRC checking added (1.00).
2.29: Playing status show after stopping playing (/STOP) bug fixed.
2.30: PAK CRC checking added (1.00).
2.31: Help divided into two pieces (General and FastCD help) and updated.
2.32: Help checked and corrected.
2.33: Debug prevention added.
Some texts changed in EXE.
Help checked and corrected (lots!).
Ctrl+Break and Alt+Ctrl+Del switch off added.
2.34: SSD logo created and new about added.
Play stop bug fixed.
Mouse handling added.
2.35: Temporary help file from tempdir added (fcdhdrl.tmp)
Help updated.
2.36: Function select window added (F).
The flush function's key is changed to Alt+F instead of F.
2.37: Mouse handling in volume settings dialog enhanced (middle button -
set both channels).
Mouse handling bug fixed (while screen freshing is turned off).
Studio header changed ("Studio 1.00").
Fast search option added to help.
2.38: Function select window updated (two functions added).
Mouse handling added to Playlist selection window.
Refrain filenames (*.REF) are made from the title of the CD (instead of
the previous random-string method).
Pause bug fixed under Looptrack mode.
2.39: Texts in exe language corrected.
Description of the "/TRACKLIST" parameter added to help (it had been
2.40: Playlist selection window mouse bug fixed.
Playlist selection window result returning bug fixed.
Special mode selection window bug fixed (when ESC is pressed).
Loop mode function's key is changed to Alt+L instead of Ctrl+L.
2.41: String truncation bug fixed at CD title list.
2.42: Compatibility bugfixes (bugs when working non-Panasonic CD-ROMS).
UPC Code showing deleted (it's slow on some CD-ROM models).
FPU type detection bug fixed ("Built-In" at Pentium instead of "80487").
Old Pentiums with fdiv division bug are shown as "Pentium (old)".
2.43: Opening windows added on fast machines.
Identifier is not written into listfile if no CD is inserted.
CD information editing added (Ctrl+E or Func│Set CD Information) - it's
also displayed when a new CD is inserted.
Function select window updated (Show Extended Help and Set CD
Information added).
If a new data storage CD is inserted, "DS=" is written into listfile
instead of "CD=" (which is written when an audio CD is inserted).
2.44: Memory dump advanced at runtime errors.
Execution counting and time measuring added.
Program information screen updated.
Configuration screen updated (added parameters Window OpenMode and
Stop Minus)
Stop Minus bug fixed.
2.45: Playlist selection bug fixed (when ESC is pressed).
Jump to previous track at commandline (/PREV) bug fixed (it did not
jumped to the last track from the first)
2.46: Runtime code error messages updated.
New CD data insertion to listfile added.
It does not write the CD identifier to the listfile's end when a new
CD is inserted (just calls up the CD-data-asking dialog).
It does not call up CD-data-asking dialog again when ESC is pressed
after it (then only the CD identifier is written to the listfile).
Number of lines in "Full Help" is shown correctly at help index.
Checking of the existence of FASTCD.CFG is added.
2.47: Emergency exit added (Alt+X or Ctrl+Q).
MSCDEX installation check added.
2.48: Winding with mouse added.
Benefit counting added.
Playlist selection with mouse bugs fixed.
2.49: Playlist selection with mouse after shuffle mode bug fixed.
Title added to Track Timeline.
At Playlist mode init, if no playlist is specified in the listfile,
then the playlist selection dialog is called up automatically.
2.50: HELP.EXE created for looking help easily.
SETUP.EXE added for easy setup instead of the previous graphic-setup.
Soundcard selection is added to setup.
Language selection setup added (/LANG).
3.00: SoundBlaster detection bug in Setup fixed.
SoundBlaster port detection in the program too (not only in the Setup),
now it works with other port than 220h.
Help displaying from functions menu is now working (also Alt+E).
"Redraw screen under Windows" function disabled under Windows 95 (since
it stores the high-res mode screen).
3.01: E-mail address corrected :-)